Thursday, August 5, 2010

Last 4 Weeks!!!!

So a lot has happened in the past four weeks here in Steubenville. I have had my last two weeks of youth, and then the final 2 weeks have been multi-generational so I we have had a lot of families come to do missionary work here in Ohio with ages ranging from 5 to 80, so it has been an interesting last few weeks.

I have felt God's presence move in these past 4 weeks and it has been a blessing to watch the youth grow each week. But now it is the end of the summer and it is time to go home. It has been a looonnngggg summer but with all things God is faithful and I feel as if my time spent here has been a blessing in my life. It is one thing to hear about those who struggle, but to see it first hand and to live in that atmosphere, you start to realize how you can take things for-granted at times. This trip has taught me that God has a purpose for us and if you take that leap of faith, and step outside your comfort zone, God will show you some amazing things.

The last two weeks of youth were great. I had a few worship leaders bring their youth groups and help me with worship so that was awesome! Another crazy thing, one of the groups from the 3rd week of youth was from Appleton, Wisconsin, and I used to live in that area before I moved to Minnesota, so that was a crazy. Then, finally, the last two weeks of groups that came were multi-generational, so the last two weeks had a different feel to it. I was a little worried about having to give nightly messages to a group with such a diverse audience, but God worked through me and I was able to reach both young and old which was a blessing. God has shown me this summer that I can make a big difference in peoples lives by using the gifts he has given me, and using them to glorify him. I have been able to reach out to youth and help make a positive change in them, I've had the opportunity to reach out to kids in the community by helping with kid's club, building relationships with kids who may not be given or shown enough love at home, and I was given the opportunity to help re-build the community through work projects. God has shown me such amazing things this summer, and I am excited to see where he takes me next.

If you would like to hear more about my time in here in Steubenville, feel free to shoot me a message. Otherwise I would love to share more in person.

I hope God blesses your life and remember, don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone to do things for God, he will show you amazing things if you follow that path he has set before you!

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog, I hope to be seeing many of you again soon.

